Permanent Collection Display Rotation, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly MA
Artrageous30! Art Auction, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly MA
All Senior Exhibition, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly MA
Artrageous29! Art Auction, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly MA
As It Was; As It Became Individual Performance, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly MA
Betwixt/Between Senior Group Exhibition, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly MA
Annual Small Works Show, Porter Mill Galleries, Beverly MA
Artrageous28! Art Auction, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly MA
Invitation of Alteration Individual Performance, Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Ireland
Hi-Vis Group Exhibition/Individual Studio Showcase, Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Ireland
Head Space, Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Ireland
Live Art at Lunch, The Gift of Hair, Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Ireland
About Looking, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly MA